Windows 10 Windows Cumulative update fails to install


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RX 480


Windows 10 Home (Currently running on version KB2565063 - the last update which correctly installed)

Running Windows Firewall and Malwarebytes as Anti Virus software - as far as I know the system is on the correct time (GMT +1 or BST)

The latest update (KB4019472 Version 1607) has failed to install on multiple occasions despite me trying several different fixes.

So far I have run a DISM health check and scan (no problems encountered), manually downloaded the update from Windows and attempted to install it only for it to fail and I have run the Windows troubleshooter, which claimed to have fixed all the problems but this is clearly not the case. Malwarebytes claims there is no malware present on the system.

I've trawled through multiple forums and articles and have been unable to find any fixes so far - can anyone help out?

Open a powershell prompt and type Get-WindowsUpdateLog -LogPath $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\WU.txt and upload the log created on your desktop.
W10 CU v1703 can be tricky to install. Suggest you use the UPGRADE ASSISTANT provided in W10 CU when you attempt to download it. This has worked on 2/3 of my machines so far. One of them required a CLEAN INSTALL using the Microsoft MCT tool, available here: Link Removed
It sounds like your Windows Update (WU) applet is broken if you don't get the UPGRADE ASSISTANT coming in. Check your WU settings! Additionally, you may not receive the CU (which can be 3 separate KB's; none of which you have listed so it appears you are not getting it) unless you have WUDO also enabled (Windows Update Delivery Optimization). You MUST have both WU & WUDO turned on and running BEFORE you attempt to check for windows updates.

Other common reasons why the CU fails, are these in order:
1.) Virus/malware that specifically attacks and disables the WU & WUDO applets; try using your MBAM and scan/remove all spyware viruses found.
2.) Windows system registry corruption; attempt to run chkdsk c: /f and then sfc /scannow; this may take several hours and multiple passes and run overnight to fix things.
3.) Failed hardware. Both your RAM sticks and your Hard Drive or SSD can produce symptoms that look like software failure, including inability to get W10 updates like you have. You need to test the hardware yourself or pay a licensed Tech to do it for you. should you decide to DIY, take a look at my free and excellent TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE here to give you step-by-step instructions: Windows 10 - Unclickable Task Bar
It's critical that you do this last item #3, as if you don't and you have failed hardware your software won't repair it. No software on the Planet can repair broken Hardware!!
Any errors returned on the Memory or Hard Drive diagnostics mean you have failed components and they must be replaced. :waah:

This should take care of most update problems and get you going. :up:

Post back if you get stuck or have questions along the way.
Best of luck to you,
<<<BIGBEARJEDI>>> :usa: :brew:
There was 1 machine recently that had that issue for a client and what I did was use system restore (after backup etc) and go back to before the attempted update, and I uninstalled some core drivers - GPU, Intel ME, chipset, Chrome, Firefox, and did a reboot and allowed Win 10 native drivers to install. Then disabled his Emsisoft AV and then redid the update. Update took fine, subsequently updated all hardware-chipset drivers again and re-enabled the AV. Not that this routine would work for you I do things on a whim out of nowhere at times from experience usually works for me.


RX 480


Windows 10 Home (Currently running on version KB2565063 - the last update which correctly installed)

Running Windows Firewall and Malwarebytes as Anti Virus software - as far as I know the system is on the correct time (GMT +1 or BST)

The latest update (KB4019472 Version 1607) has failed to install on multiple occasions despite me trying several different fixes.

So far I have run a DISM health check and scan (no problems encountered), manually downloaded the update from Windows and attempted to install it only for it to fail and I have run the Windows troubleshooter, which claimed to have fixed all the problems but this is clearly not the case. Malwarebytes claims there is no malware present on the system.

I've trawled through multiple forums and articles and have been unable to find any fixes so far - can anyone help out?

Update with the Task Manager opened. For some strange reason when things aren't working correctly, opening the Task Manager can straighten things out. I just got the cumulative update to work after multiple fails simply by leaving the Task Manager opened during the update. Once Task Manager is opened you can go to settings and start the update.
A bit late to the table perhaps but in case it helps anyone else you can download the 'standalone' version from the Microsoft update catalog.

KB4019472 Version 1607
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