File permissions changed by themselves?

I'm starting to tear my hair out now, yesterday this drives partition worked fine and now today it has the attached error message saying I/O error, this is nonsense because the other partition on the same HDD is accessible. I was under the impression I/O error messages were hardcore disconnection issues. How do I check what is going wrong? I tried error checking with gparted it gave error on access, tried unmounting and mounting again same error.


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It can be permissions too. Logs are generally a good place to start such as dmesg for if the drive mounting is having issues. I'd look at how the partition is mounted rw vs r or other
It can be permissions too. Logs are generally a good place to start such as dmesg for if the drive mounting is having issues. I'd look at how the partition is mounted rw vs r or other

FSTAB for Data drive is th following, Data is the first partition roughly halve the disk, DATA32 is the FAT 32 partition on the second part of the HDD.

UUID=1FDA1CEB6049CD2A /mnt/1FDA1CEB6049CD2A ntfs-3g nosuid,nodev,nofail,umask=000,rw 0 0

Now it seems I have access back but it shows as empty in Thunar file manager and it says it has 6.8gb spce which is not true, none of the drives or drive partitions are 6.8gb. Furthermore in gparted you can see 60gb is used on sda2 so clearly it is not empty. This is baffling.


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If it's not showing in the file manager it's probably not mounted. You'd have to look in dmesg for the reason
If it's not showing in the file manager it's probably not mounted. You'd have to look in dmesg for the reason

Thank you for your heklp may I ask what dmseg is? I am not familiar with that command, the fdisk program said it was mounted and the thunar file manager shouldnt be sowing the drive at all if its not mounted surely? Plus where did 6.8gb come from??
The plot thickens, I went into winows 10 and this is how it shows the drive, it only sees the NTFS drive DATA and does not show the FAT32 drive DATA32. Furthermore it sees the NTFS drive as taking up all the space of the 500gb drive and not half of it that Linux reports. Well I think I will backup my stuff not already backed up, wipe the drive and start all over. What do you guys think?


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ok I just ran the windows error check and it has now shown both drivers in windows, i hope when I reboot to linux I will see both now and be able to use both.


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Today magically everything is hunky dory in linux showing both drive partitions data and te are both accessible, how strange. Anyway I hope it lasts.
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