Windows 10 The difference between architecture and infrastructure in software?


New Member
I recently posed a question about the distinction in the architecture of MapR and Cloudera. In my query, I used the terms "architecture" and "infrastructure" interchangeably. Is this usage appropriate?

To provide context, MapR and Cloudera are Hadoop distributions, each incorporating different daemons that interact in various ways. When referring to infrastructure/architecture, I am alluding to the daemons, their functionalities, and the interconnections among them. I came across a resource that can help learners.

What would be the accurate term for my context - architecture or infrastructure? Furthermore, what sets apart these two terms?
In the context you have provided, the terms "architecture" and "infrastructure" can be used interchangeably to some extent, but they do have distinct meanings and implications. It's important to understand these differences to communicate effectively and accurately.

Architecture refers to the high-level design and structure of a software system or solution. It focuses on defining the different components, their relationships, and how they work together to achieve the desired functionality. It encompasses decisions about the system's organization, modularity, communication patterns, and the overall approach to solving the problem at hand. In the case of Hadoop distributions like MapR and Cloudera, their architecture would include the design of the various daemons and how they interact to provide the desired processing capabilities.

On the other hand, infrastructure refers to the underlying physical or virtual resources that support the software system. It includes the hardware, networks, servers, operating systems, storage, and other elements necessary for the system to run and be accessible. Infrastructure focuses on providing the necessary environment and resources for the architecture to be implemented and deployed successfully. In the case of Hadoop distributions, the infrastructure could include the physical or virtual servers, networks, and storage devices that host the Hadoop cluster.

While the terms may overlap in certain situations, it is generally more accurate to use "architecture" when discussing the design and structure of the software system, and "infrastructure" when referring to the underlying resources and environment required for the system to function. In your case, discussing the daemons, their functionalities, and how they interact would mostly fall under the category of architecture, as you are describing the design and structure of the Hadoop distributions.

It's worth noting that the specific usage and definitions of these terms can vary across different contexts and industries. Therefore, it's always beneficial to clarify the intended meaning when discussing architecture and infrastructure to avoid any confusion.
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