
  1. Mike

    Windows 10 Spying? Microsoft reveals it knows "how many hours" you use Windows 10

    As reportedly prominently by many tech websites, Microsoft has reportedly, inadvertently revealed information about its ability to mass aggregate data about its customers (some have called this... spying). One such company is GoldenFrog, writing: Microsoft Reveals it’s Spying on Windows 10...
  2. O

    Snoopers Charter VPN advice needed

    With the Snoopers Charter coming soon in the UK, I intend to start using a VPN service. Disregarding issues of the VPN logging user details or leaving my IP address discoverable, what other potential personal information leaks should I be aware of? For instance, websites take a machine ID...
  3. Mike

    Windows 10 How to Control your Privacy in Microsoft Windows 10

    How to Control your Privacy in Microsoft Windows 10 The privacy options in Windows 10, arguably, turn your computer system and your personal usage into an advertising platform. Using an innocuous looking upgrade vacuum, your privacy may be compromised. In this video, I will help you take some...
  4. Ron Paul Interviews Lavabit Owner on NSA E-Mail Controversy

    Ron Paul Interviews Lavabit Owner on NSA E-Mail Controversy

    Exclusive provided to Lavabit is an email service founded in 2004 that suspended operations in August 2013. It is owned and operated by Ladar Levison.
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